PS4 Neo To Be Revealed Next Month?

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Автор: Peter Berry
Дата создания: 18 Август 2021
Дата обновления: 1 Февраль 2025
PS4 Neo To Be Revealed Next Month? - Игры
PS4 Neo To Be Revealed Next Month? - Игры

There have recently been reports that Sony would officially reveal their new, upgraded PS4 console in September, and today's news seems to corroborate that -- as Sony has sent invites to members of the media to attend a special conference.

Titled the PlayStation Meeting, it will take place on September 7th at the PlayStation Theater in New York. Though Sony hasn't stated anything about it, it seems highly likely that it'll involve the long-rumoured PS4 Neo in some way.

After months of speculation and rumors regarding an upgraded PS4, Sony officially confirmed its existence prior to this year's E3 in June. However, Sony chose to keep quiet about it throughout E3, as opposed to Microsoft which readily unveiled both its Xbox One S and Project Scorpio consoles.

Much like the aforementioned Microsoft consoles, the PS4 Neo (which has been speculated to be released by the end of the year) is intended to ' sit='' alongside='' and='' complement='' the='' standard='' ps4.'='' the='' neo='' will='' also='' not='' have='' any='' exclusive='' games;='' it='' and='' the='' original='' ps4='' will='' share='' the='' same='' library='' of=''>